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Please use the information below to help you get started viewing your live data chart.
Setting the View Window: Data can either be viewed in its entirety or as a subset of the overall data. Selecting a view window from the grey view menu will set the chart to display the most recent data in that range (such as the last 30 minutes, or the last hour)
Viewing a Data Point: Use your mouse to hover over any part of the chart and view the specific data point values.
Zooming on a Data Range: You can zoom in on a specific region of the chart by clicking on an area and dragging your mouse over the area you'd like to view. Zooming allows more precise data to be displayed as more points become visible. You can reset the chart at any time by selecting the Reload option from the views menu. If live, your chart will be updated each time a new data point is received with the value of the most recent point shown on the right-hand-side above the chart.
Viewing Pressure Alarms: The alarm summary is shown directly below the chart on the left-hand-side. Any current alarms are displayed along with their status - either triggered or cleared (not yet triggered). Alarms can be set for exceeding or dropping below a particular pressure.
Setting/Editing Pressure Alarms:
Pressure alarms can be managed by clicking the Alarms Button. Here you can select to clear alarms if the pressure becomes stable or remove them completely. You can also add new alarms as needed. Note that alerts are received by survey contacts once an alarm is triggered. While triggered, an alarm will not continue to send out alerts on subsequent readings unless it has been cleared and is then re-triggered. This is to prevent redundant alerts for a survey that has exceeded one or more of its alarm pressures.
Downloading Data: Use the Download Data button to download your data as a .csv document which can then be imported to the spreadsheet software of your choice.
For the most consistent experience, please use the latest version of a standards-compliant web browser. We recommend the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox. Older and outdated browsers may experience problems when attempting to display the data chart and other controls.
In order to view the data survey and chart controls without the use of a scroll-bar, a minimum horizontal resolution of 1280px is required.
Set who will receive alerts when pressure alarms are triggered for the survey John Smith Oilfield - Demo Pressure Monitoring Survey. This will apply to all well locations and tie-in points within this particular survey.
Set your pressure alarms for the recorder at John Smith Oilfield - 101/02-03-004-05 W5M/00 - Casing. Triggered alarms will cause alerts to be sent to any alarm contacts set for this particular survey.
Use the form below to download pressure data for the recorder at John Smith Oilfield - 101/02-03-004-05 W5M/00 - Casing. You can use the controls provided to define a subset of desired data or leave them blank in order to retrieve the dataset in its entirety.