Your data when it matters most: Right now
The Nelgar Live Advantage
Nelgar Live brings you your important data in real-time to your screen. By taking advantage of Nelgar's industry-leading pressure-recorder technology and streaming this data to our central servers, you can now view your surveys as they develop from any online-enabled device such as your PC, phone or tablet.

Active and Completed Survey Summaries
Your online summary page puts all of your data in one place. Not only can you view active summaries as they evolve, but also any of your completed or archived surveys done in the past. View past graphs, download past data-sets and easily keep an eye on your active surveys.

Real-Time Data Charts
Each enabled recorder will produce a running data chart viewable from your Survey Summary. Data can be viewed in full-scale or viewed as a snapshot for greater resolution. Easily change your viewing preferences or zoom in on an area of interest as required.

Alarms and Alerts
You have the ability to manage your own alarms and alert contacts. Easily add new alarms as needed on a recorder-by-recorder basis, allowing you complete flexibility. Decide if you want an alarm triggered when the pressure exceeds a maximum or if the pressure drops below a certain minimum. You can also manage your alert contacts on a survey-by-survey basis. Control who receives alerts for each survey when an alarm is triggered and select which type of alert you want to receive - email, text message, or both.
Once an alarm has been triggered, you control when it is cleared. Once you are satisfied that the pressure is stable, simply clear the alarm and you will once again be alerted should it be triggered.

CSV Data Download
At any point in your survey, you can easily download a .csv file containing your test data - either the entire set or a set range and interval if required. This universal .csv format allows you to import your data into the spreadsheet software of your choice. Get up-to-the-second data for your active surveys or access your completed survey data at any time.
Get Your Project Started
Please take a moment to view our live survey demo to see Nelgar Live in action. Using the demo, you can see how your active data surveys will be presented and experience the different options and tools made available. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our knowledgeable sales staff today. We look forward to help make your next project a success.